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Doggie Stay

Dog Training Class

Advanced Group

Coming Soon!

Grendon Dog Field - Noddy's Field


Suitable for dogs above 5 months and a follow-on from my intermediate group (please check the criteria for advancing on the intermediate group page - please do not book advanced class if you have not attended intermediate for assessment).


An advanced dog obedience and life skills class tailored towards perfecting the following skills:​

  • Distance control with positions

  • Dumbbell Retrieve & Hold

  • Target mat precision

  • Send Around

  • Send Away

  • Sustained Hand Touch

  • Emergency Stop

  • Out of sight Stay

  • Advanced heelwork

  • Advanced impulse control

  • Hind-end awareness

  • Recall to position


​ This class utilises positive reinforcement techniques from a qualified level 5 trainer and behaviourist and is held weekly at secure 2 acre outdoor field. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a Rosette, Certificate and access to a free 4 week block of classes of your own choice.


CRITERIA FOR COMPLETION. Your dog must be able to:

  • Perform off-lead heelwork for 1 minute, including 2 different turns and 1 autosit with handler moving forwards before calling into heel.

  • Sustain a hand touch for 5 seconds

  • Retrieve and hold a dumbbell infront of handler (10m)

  • Emergency stop and lie down reliably

  • Go around a pole 3m away

  • Perform Sit, Down & Stand from 3m distance using hand signals

  • Maintain Stay for 10 seconds whilst handler is out of sight

  • Be sent to target mat and auto-down from 5m

  • Recall to Middle/Heel from 15m


For more information on class etiquette, parking, location and what to expect, please click here.


4 week block** = £50
Pay as you go = £20


** Must be consecutive but can be swapped into other classes within the time frame - please enquire for more information



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